Information about Online Registration
Volunteers--we know that the processes that National has put into place can sometimes feel daunting and more challenging than what you want to put into your volunteer position. We too are having to learn and navigate new roads to try to make all of this work. Here is a link that explains some of the most common roles and videos that are extremely informative: https://www.scouting.org/resources/online-registration/
Things you'll find here--
1. Unit Checklist: https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/olr-unit-checklist-2020.pdf
2. Committee Chair Checklist: https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/olr-cc-checklist-2020.pdf
3. Chartered Org Rep checklist, and how to assign a COR designee: https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/olr-cor-checklist-2020.pdf
4. Plus many more helpful tools to navigating your role in my.scouting.org for your unit
We will try to update with new information that comes along!
2024 Membership Plan
A great marketing campaign combines powerful imagery and a consistent message. This year we are excited to showcase the "Adventure On" recruitment campaign. Marketing materials include fliers, posters, web banners, custom emails, social media images, postcards, and much more.
Additional resources are available on the Marketing and Membership Hub.
Populate your BeAScout Pin
BeAScout is an online portal for prospective new families to find out about Scouting programs in their neighborhoods. Simply go to BeAScout.org and type in your zip code to find the closest Scouting in your area. YOU CAN HELP… Please follow this tutorial and update your Scout Pin. It’s crucial to the success of the Scouting Program especially this year. Please update your PINs this month. Start the tutorial by clicking on the image below
Click here to watch the tutorial
2024 Fall Cub Scout Recruitment Plan
Key Dates:
1 August Roundtable - Membership Training, incorporate “Scout Talk demo”, distribute support materials, update pins and request flyers. (Order Flyers Here)
8 August All LPS Safe Walk to School: Get prepared for open house booths at schools that allow it.
19-23 August Flyers go out at Schools
27-29th August Join scouting Nights at Schools
11 September Patriots Day “all units at participating schools” Flag presentation
9-13 September Scout Spirit Week
No Later Than (NLT) 14 Sept all units have 1st Sign up for Scouting Night
12 October Cub Scout Day of Awesomeness at the OEC.
Membership Trainings
Managing Online Registration
Instruction on how to use the online registration system. Members can fill out the registration form online, but your unit needs to have it setup. There are also instructions so that Packs can select to be a family pack and enroll both girls and boys.
Cub Scout Recruitment Resources
Online Membership ApplicationsHow to process applications using the new online registration system.
Promotional Resources
Marketing for School Night is most effective when it utilizes multiple platforms. Whether it's coverage in your local newspaper or an online recruitment campaign, packs should take advantage of every opportunity to promote themselves.
Resources provided by Council
Lots of resources are provided by the Cornhusker Council for your use. Please work with your district staff to secure them. Items include: yard signs, posters, flyers, buddy cards, temporary tattoos, bookmarks and more.