Steps to a Successful Popcorn Sale
• Train your Scouts and parents, so you have a fun and safe popcorn sale.
• Make sure checks are made payable to YOUR UNIT, so you can deposit them into your unit’s checking account and make ONE check out to the council.
• Establish a unit goal to shoot for and/or a unit incentive program that is an addition to the council provided prize program.
• Use the mini-order form in your religious organization’s bulletin-or hand out after services if you’ve received prior permission.
• Popcorn can be used as gifts for teachers, co-workers, neighbors, babysitters, and relatives.
• Schedule a pick-up and turn-in party for your Scouts and parents.
• Place your order on-time and schedule your pick-up time.
Share these tips with your Scouts and parents
• Set up a popcorn booth after your religious service(s). Ask permission to do so prior to selling
• Ask your chartered organization for their support in helping you with your sale (bulletins, newsletters, location for popcorn posters announcing your sale and contact persons)
• Ask parents to consider popcorn as an employee holiday gift or other form of recognition or appreciation gift for their fellow employees
• Contact your customers from last year and ask them if they had any friends who wanted to support Scouting by purchasing popcorn
For More Information
For more information about Popcorn Sales, contact Michelle Austin at the Council Service Center or send an email to